The overall goal of the UCSF Health BIM4FM/7D process is to ensure efficient and accurate hand-over of the projects models, data, and documents to the various UCSF Facilities Management teams and systems.

The specific goals of the UCSF Health BIM4FM process are to:

  1. Ensure smooth delivery of important equipment into the UCSF CMMS (IBM Maximo),
  2. Ensure consistency in equipment names, manufacturer names, space/room names, parameter names and units, etc across UCSF Health buildings and projects,
  3. Ensure model accuracy and usability for future projects,
  4. Ensure hand-over documents are complete and organized,
  5. Ensure zero additional cost to the project by providing hands-on assistance, clear guidance, and tools to streamline the process.

It is important to understand that the UCSF Health BIM4FM data requirements apply to only about 5% of the assets in a typical Revit model! Of this 5% most equipment requires only Manufacturer and Model information. A small set of equipment requires serial number and/or additional information.

Elements of the UCSF Health BIM4FM process apply to Design, Construction, and Hand-over.

WHAT is Included in the UCSF Health BIM4FM Process

Major components of the UCSF Health BIM4FM program are:

  1. BIM Execution Plan (BEP): details model and BIM data requirements, hand-over document folder structures, project milestones, etc.
  2. Autodesk Revit model(s): implements the BEP for the given project.
  3. Autodesk BIM 360 Docs: storage for models and documentation.
  4. UCSF BIM4FM Tools: set of software applications to assist in the BIM4FM process.

BIM Execution Plan

The BIM Execution Plan (BEP) is a live document that will be updated by the design and construction teams over the course of the project.

Significant sections of the BEP that relate to the BIM4FM process are detailed in the UCSF BIM Information Requirements Document (BIRD):

  1. Equipment classifications (by OmniClass),
  2. Family and Instance parameter names, types, units, etc,
  3. Facility specifications (room/space names, floor names, etc),
  4. BIM4FM Milestones.

Autodesk Revit Models

For UCSF Health projects it is expected that all models will be created and maintained in Autodesk Revit and collaborated in the UCSF instance of Autodesk BIM 360 Docs. Exceptions to the Autodesk Revit requirement can be approved by UCSF as needed. It is expected that all non-movable equipment will be modeled in Revit. Exceptions can be approved by UCSF as needed.

The OmniClass classification system integrated into Revit is used to classify equipment in the models and in the BIM4FM data requirements. The Classification Manager (part of the BIM Interoperability Tools in Revit 2018+) can be used to classify Families.

The specific classifications and data requirements for a given project are part of the BxP, detailed in the UCSF BIM Information Requirements Document (BIRD), and readily available to the project team in a variety of formats.

UCSF BIM4FM Tools, Showcase Model, and Revit Shared Parameter File

UCSF Health has developed a set of software tools to support the BIM4FM process. Use of these tools by the project team is optional. UCSF member(s) of the NHPH project team will be using these tools to assess model and BIM data quality and completeness at each BIM4FM Milestone.

The UCSF BIM4FM Assistant for Revit is an Autodesk Revit Extension that provides very detailed information on the BIM4FM data requirements, facility specifications, and project milestones. This tool can also analyze the model for BIM4FM data requirements. This process is called an Assessment. No changes are made to the model, but a detailed report is generated such that a user can go to the element and fix any issues. Assessments can be run at any time and become more stringent as milestones progress.

The UCSF BIM4FM Assistant for Windows provides the same detailed BIM4FM data requirements, facility specifications, and project milestones but is an installed Windows application that does not require Revit.

UCSF has also developed a BIM4FM Showcase Model that houses elements that represents the data along with functional requirements of providing access zones, room calculation points and shared parameters that must be in place, all of which will be assessed programmatically.

A UCSF BIM4FM Shared Parameter file for Revit is also available.

HOW to Implement the UCSF Health BIM4FM Process

Implementation of the BIM4FM Process includes:

  1. Revit model setup possibly including the UCSF BIM4FM shared parameter file,
  2. Equipment classification using OmniClass,
  3. Create and edit Family and Instance parameters as defined in the UCSF BIM4FM Information Requirements Document (BIRD),
  4. Create BIM4FM Milestones,
  5. Perform BIM4FM data Assessments and review results.


Detailed instruction on each of these steps can be found on the UCSF Health BIM4FM Website:



The baseline BIM4FM shared parameter file is provided by UCSF for each project.


An example BIM4FM Information Requirements Document (BIRD) contains equipment classifications, parameter definitions, UCSF Space Management room and space names. The data is packaged as an Excel file and can be found here: TBD